Let’s Create More Rest-Fullness, Freedom and Love in Our Lives!


The reason for my long hiatus is because I’ve been up to something good! 😉

If you liked what I shared here on The Love Culture, there’s more awesome waiting for you at rest & grow, my new site.

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LIKE + SHARE + JOIN the rest & grow community. Together, you and I will begin an adventure in creating more Rest-Fullness, Freedom and Love in our lives! 🙂

Mish, blogger at The Love Culture and Founder of rest & grow – a rest stop for the soul to renew, refuel, and recharge. http://www.restandgrow.com


“The Growth of one blesses all. I am committed to grow in Love.” – Julia Cameron

“Happy New Year and may favour, wisdom, strength and peace guide and guard you.” – Liz

We are 7 days in to the New Year. How’s it going so far? Each new day is a golden chance to Begin Again. Given a new start, new beginning, and a new chapter, what would you like to fill the story of your life with? Think about that for a second. Make it good! You deserve nothing less. Let’s stop playing it safe and small. This is your year. Step into your greatness.

And I’d like to quote my baby sis and wish you all a “Happy New Year and may favour, wisdom, strength and peace guide and guard you.”

Love, Mish

FB: https://www.facebook.com/theloveculture


“The Growth of one blesses all. I am committed to grow in Love.” – Julia Cameron

Rest and Reflect: What is Your Word for 2016? It Matters, because You Do.

As the year is powering down to an end, 9 more days to be exact, do yourself a favour. Take a moment to hug this question to sleep and in your waking hours: What is YOUR WORD for 2016?

If you could begin a new life story with just one word, what would it be?

In 2014, I invited you to think about your word for 2015. A few of my friends took up the invitation. They picked their word, grew with it, as I did with mine. And on Sunday, my friend Mel shared with me her story.

She said, “I’m so happy. My word is Bold. I can see how I became bolder this year, and happier, too. This is why I want to spend the next 11 days (her precious end year leave) thinking about my word for 2016…”

I was so happy to hear that. And I believe her experience is possible for anyone willing to make time to rest and reflect on their word.

My word for 2015 was Grace. It turned out to be a fitting word, as it has been a massively challenging year. I found myself thrown into a lot of messy situations that required Grace, and learning what Grace means.

Thankfully, I get to experience Grace over and over again, as much as I need to learn what Grace is all about. And I can only hope to show the same measure of Grace I’ve been shown in my life. It’s not easy, but the hope is in the trying. And I know I will spend a lifetime learning what Grace means, even as I continue to grow in it, through it, and with it.

The good news is, every word you pick for one year, comes with you into the next. It continues to be a part of you, if you let it. It’s just parked under your new word. You will find yourself growing more and more into your word/s, or rather, the word grows more and more into you.

You and your word will become one. You live it in your life, until it becomes you.

So, if you’re ready to level up (shoutout to my awesome babe Estee for bringing this awesome term my way!) and grow, make time for yourself  to choose Your Word for 2016.

Choose a word that makes you curious, challenges you, and pushes you out of your comfort zone. Make it a word you can GROW with, that you would like to be a part of you. Make it a word you feel at rest and alive with.

Make it matter, because you do.




“The Growth of one blesses all. I am committed to grow in Love.” – Julia Cameron

The Love Culture on FB: https://www.facebook.com/theloveculture

Let’s plant good seeds in the garden of our hearts. May we be nourished with a fruitful harvest of Love, Joy, and Peace



Let’s plant good seeds in the garden of our hearts. The seeds of truth, and kind, loving thoughts. May it bring forth a fruitful harvest. May we be nourished, with Love, Joy and Peace. – The Love Culture


Love, Mish

FB: https://www.facebook.com/theloveculture


“The Growth of one blesses all. I am committed to grow in Love.” – Julia Cameron

It’s Only Fear

“You do not see that I see inside,
The quiet heart you’re trying to hide.

Don’t hold your head too high,
Don’t be afraid to cry,
Because you know my dear,
it’s only fear, it’s only fear.
…Keeps you locked in here.
Now you may believe you are so bright,
And you may not see how they confine your sight,
And maybe you wake up late at night,
Wondering why you feel so tired.
Well my dear, let me tell you now, do you hear,
It’s only fear, it’s only fear, it’s only fear,
…That keeps you locked in here.” – Alexi Murdoch, It’s Only Fear

Love, Mish

FB: https://www.facebook.com/theloveculture


“The Growth of one blesses all. I am committed to grow in Love.” – Julia Cameron

Love after Love

“The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other’s welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again
the stranger who was yourself

Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.” – Love after Love, by Derek Walcott

Someone dear and close to my family has left us suddenly on Sunday. I only found out about it this evening. Depression has claimed yet another life too soon. I dedicate this poem, ‘Love after Love’ by Derek Walcott, to LC.

And this poem is also for the rest of us who have known pain, the quiet struggle behind closed doors, the thirst and hunger of the heart, the longing for Home, and the welcome to stay. Remember,

“You were created to love and be loved.
People need other people.
Your story is important.
Better days are ahead.
Hope and help are real.

You are not alone.
And this is not the end of your story.” – TWLOHA, www.twloha.com

Will you trade Death for Life?

Love, Mish

FB: https://www.facebook.com/theloveculture


“The Growth of one blesses all. I am committed to grow in Love.” – Julia Cameron